It's so easy to lose who you are, your interests, hobbies and passions when your world gets ROCKED by bringing a precious little life into your family. It changes your perspective on the world, your family dynamic and your priorities in the most wonderful way, BUT I wanted to encourage you mommies out there not to forget about the you that is under all the sleep deprivation, spit -up, temper tantrums, giggles, I love you's and milestones. Here are a few tips.
1. Do the things you love and are passionate about. It is great for your kids to see that side of you! Have them be your helpers! This also allows you to connect with your husband and/or other adults instead of your expertise and interest be only about kids.
2. Your children want a happy and healthy Mom. They don't care how perfect the house is or how well decorated their birthday party was. They want you.
3. Don't compare yourself! Do your best, however that looks within your family. Don't feel too pressured by blogs, Pinterest and other moms. Start with the needs of your family and go from there.
4. Breathe and try not to stress out. Work hard, love your husband and children, have passions and hobbies... and don't lose You.
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