1. Wear Sunscreen- No matter what your age, or the extent of aging on your skin, it is never too late to prevent further damage with a good SPF. Wear an SPF of at least 30 everyday on your face and chest.
2. Get Beauty Sleep- Sleep is essential for your body to heal itself. You regenerate and re-charge when you sleep, so make sure you make is a priority. Aim for at least 8 hours or more every night.
3. Exfoliate- When you exfoliate your skin, new and younger skin emerges. Be sure to exfoliate at least twice a week. If you have alot of sun damage or wrinkles, consider a chemical peel at a dermatology office.
4. Take Supplements- There are a few supplements that can aid in keeping you looking young. Vitamin C promotes collagen, Vitamin D and Niacinamide keep your skin healthy, and Omega 3.6.9. keep your skin hydrated from within. Resveratrol, which is found in red wine, can be taken in supplement form to aid in anti-aging. Take a multivitamin daily, and choose supplements you can commit to taking everday.
5. Stay Hydrated- Drink plenty of water and green tea. Green tea is a great antioxidant drink and water is essential for plump, healthy looking skin.
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