1.First thing you must do my dear is to get rid of that cotton pillow case that has started having ‘craw craw’( bubbles!lol) The way the cotton threads are being knotted together and forming bubbles is the way your hair line is being knotted and pulling off!! Get a satin/silk pillow case, a satin/silk scarf or a silk/satin hair bonnet. If you can’t find silk/satin bedding then quick tip; you can have your sleep pillow!! Buy a satin/silk throw pillow and use that. Make sure it has a removable cover so you can wash it.
2. Get yourself some CASTOR OIL. Castor Oil has been proven to stimulate growth at the temple and nape of hair with constant massaging. The type that particularly works for receding hairlines is the Jamaican Black Castor Oil, I have never used it but I have seen magnificent results as a result of its use. In naija you can get Castor Oil from any good pharmacy like Health Plus or Med Plus. I have not seen the Jamo type here though.
3. MASSAGE!! Whatever you do, the most important step to get your hair line back is constant massage of the affected area. The massaging stimulates the hair follicles and aids in blood circulation thereby causing the hair to grow back. Be systematic in your massaging though, place your fingers on the affected area and use a circular clockwise motion and count up to ten and the use an anti clockwise motion and count up to 10 again, then repeat as often as you'd like!
4. AVOID tugging and pulling!! Hairstyles that will tug and pull at your hair line should be the ENEMY!!
5. When getting a relaxer, let your hair line be the VERY LAST place to apply your relaxer and do not use the teeth of your comb to straighten your hair line, use the bone of your comb, that way with minimal impact, you will preserve the hair on your hair line from falling out due to the harsh relaxer treatment.
6. Make sure you WASH OUT the relaxer thoroughly!! Relaxer residue has destroyed many hairlines, concentrate on getting the neutralizing shampoo to get out every trace of relaxer on your hair line.
7. STOP using HARD BRUSHES on your hair line, I know you want your hair sleek and straight but using a brush with hard bristles will pull out your hair while achieving that look, instead…..USE A TOOTHBRUSH!!
8. Keep your Cleanser or Toner AWAY from your hair line especially if it contains alcohol. The alcohol will dry out your hair line, make it brittle and break it off!
9. Stay away from GELS too, especially if they have alcohol, same negative effect plus GELS ARE SO 90’s!
10. Take Vitamins! Our food does not contain all the nutrients we need. So if you have receding hair line and need that extra boost, purchase a skin and hair multivitamin or take biotin or any B complex vitamin. When I started my hair journey I used to take biotin everyday, I don’t know if it helped as much because your eyes see what they wanna but I know they caused a little break out on my face. So be careful and look out for side effects of these vitamins but in general they are safe and it won’t hurt trying them out!
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