Not only are strawberries a sweet and satisfying treat, they are one of the best fruits to aid in teeth whitening. Infused with malic acid, strawberries acts as an astringent to remove surface discoloration, resulting in whiter teeth.
Oranges can also be used to whiten teeth, in two ways. First, the inner part of the orange peel, called the albedo, serves as a soothing whitening scrub because the limonene found within the orange peel acts as a solvent cleaner. The edible parts of oranges increase saliva production and saliva works as an oral cleanser, cleaning stains.
Pineapples are a equipped with bromelain, an enzyme that helps break up plaque, pineapples also help fight bacteria that results in tooth decay and bad breath.
Equipped with the same malic acid found in strawberries, apples are also well known for their teeth whitening properties. Their crunchy texture acts as a toothbrush, removing food and bacteria while removing harsh stains.
Raisins are small but powerful treats that increase saliva production, resulting in a rinse that washes away stains and discolorations.
Infused with vitamin A, carrots promote healthy tooth enamel while increasing saliva production. Carrots, like apples, can cleanse the mouth in a similar fashion as a toothbrush, scrubbing away stains while removing food particles and bacteria.
Broccoli contains iron that forms an acid resistant barrier that protect tooth enamel.
Hard Cheese
The whey protein and milk protein, casein, reduces the loss of tooth enamel. Hard cheese stimulates saliva production, protecting teeth from decay and erosion.
Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds contain bone and teeth strengthening properties and act as scrubbers that reduce plaque.
The fibrous cellulose found within this healthy snack removes stains, aiding in teeth whitening.